PUD Systems

PUD 1 owns and manages over 70 water systems throughout Mason County, serving approximately 3,000 meters.

If you are looking to connect to water, use this water systems finder to search by address, parcel number, or directly by water system name to find the number of connections remaining for each water system owned by the PUD. You can also use this finder to look up service areas and the Water Facilities Inventory (WFI) for each system. 

Click here for the water systems finder. 

Below is a list of the systems that the District owns. Click on the hyperlink for a map of the service area for that specific system. If there is not a link, the map has not yet been uploaded.

  1. Ten-Four, Group A
  2. Mary M Knight, Group A TNC
  • Preliminary survey of water system
  • Estimate of capital improvements and O&M expenses
  • Required minimum water quality monitoring
  • Public notification per DOH requirements
  • Routine system maintenance
  • System repairs
  • Monthly source meter reading
  • Monthly service meter readings, if metered
  • Meter installation, if not metered
  • Monthly system inspections
  • Cross Connection Control program
  • Utility locates
  • Operator in Responsible Charge
  • State and County correspondence – WFI, Consumer Confidence Report, Water Use Efficiency, Determination of Water Adequacy, etc.
  • Engineering reports – planning documents, existing system approvals, project reports
  • Sanitary Survey
  • Water rights management
  • Emergency response program
  • Capital improvement funding, permitting, construction management and construction assistance
  • Assistance in the formation of a Local Utility District for capital improvement funding
  • Latecomers agreements setup and management
  • Billing
  • Financial Management
  • Record keeping
  • Transfer of ownership

The District is also taking inquiries for Satellite Management Agency arrangements. In addition to owning our own systems, we can also provide professional management and maintenance of privately owned systems to ensure that the systems are maintained according to Departments of Health and Ecology standards.

Typically these SMA agreements are for 2 years and are a trial period prior to the District assuming ownership of the system. The District does not typically do long-term SMAs without the intent of acquiring the system.

For more information on SMA’s, please contact our water department at: [email protected], or by calling (360) 877-5249.